Tuesday, July 12, 2005

a smelly doctor visit

Jared's had a cough for the past couple of weeks, and just recently it's gotten worse, to the point he wakes up in the middle of the night and gags himself from coughing so hard. The other day he had a fever, so I decided to take him in to the doctor. Yesterday was our appointment, and surprisingly, Jared was very well behaved in the waiting room. I brought his sticker book along, and we matched alike items together on the pages. The last time he was seen by a doctor, he had a round of shots, thus his memory of the doctor is not a pleasant one.

His doc is a tall dark Indian man with a thick accent and a booming voice. I think he scared Jared a little when he came into the room, and spoke to him in his loud voice. Jared was very shy, and tried to hide behind me and whispered "I don't want him to hurt me". I was a little embarrassed because he was obviously afraid of him, and he was whimpering as he climbed up onto the examining table. I promised Jared he wouldn't hurt him, just examine his ears and throat, to see why he was coughing. So, without warning, this pediatritian, who works with children on a daily basis turns Jareds head, and sticks that thingy into his ear too have a look. Of course Jared doesn't like this, and I'm trying to play down the whole thing, so he doesn't end up getting mad, and yelling at the very inconsiderate doctor. He did the same thing with the other ear. Just turned his head, and without warning, inserted his weird looking instrument into Jared's ear. THEN, he grabs a tongue depressor, and tells him to open wide. Here we go, I thought to myself. You know, you'd think someone who works with children would know that three-year-olds can be very intimidated by strange men poking and prodding them, but maybe they didn't teach bedside manner at the school he went to. I mean, I know he had a lot a patients to work through, and probably didn't have the time for small talk, but for pete's sake, he could have at least explained to Jared what he was doing and why. Instead he just stuck that thing in his mouth and of course Jared squirmed and closed his mouth, so in the process of squirming, the tongue depressor caught the back of his throat, and Jared welled up huge tears and began sobbing "OWWWWWWWWW!!! Mommy, that hurts meeeeeeee!!!!".

And then he farted. RIGHT ON THE DOCTOR. Twice. Yep. And it stunk, BAD!!! I was so embarrassed, but Jared didn't care, he had his revenge as far as he was concerned.

It turns out he has a throat infection, so he's on antibiotics. I'm thinking of switching to a new pediatrician