Saturday, October 25, 2008

30 is NOT the new 20

The lady who waxed my eyebrows the other day told me I have a wrinkle in the middle of my forehead. How thoughtfully insightful of her.


Anonymous said...

How rude. I wouldn't go back to that person if it were me.

Carrie said...

I know!! I sarcastically told her "thanks" after her comment, and can you believe she said "you're welcome!" Seriously?

She took off too much on the sides, and not enough on the brow-line anyway. Plus, it was only 8 bucks. But STILL!

Thora said...

I've always wanted to try out the bat-bogie hex...

Kelly said...

Maybe the lady waxing your brows is jealous of your beauty.....she's probably an old hag. How rude of her!

Brits said...

It's okay. I like blog stalkers. Well, not the crazy kind, but I think you're ok. :)

Kathleen said...

Isn't the job of the beauty person (hair, nails, etc) to convince you of how fabulous you look?

I hope you stiffed her on the tip.

Heather said...

I have a big wrinkle in my forehead too but no one has pointed it out - they don't need to. HELLO! I see it every day!! Some people are such idiots.