Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's almost time!

Tomorrow's the big day! It's been a little hectic trying to pack while Doug's gone, as I'm packing up most of the apartment by myself. I've had some help, thank goodness for my sisters-in-law!!

I'd take a picture of the chaos that is my apartment, but I've packed the camera. Amidst the boxes, and the mess, the disorganization, and all the phone calls I'm supposed to remember to make, the kids are driving me say the LEAST. It's like the day before Christmas and they simply can't contain themselves. I spend my days yelling at them, mostly because Jared tries his hardest to make the most annoying high pitch-deep-throated-blood-curdling "monster roar" he can make (and if it isn't loud enough, he'll make it louder). He'll chase Jade around the apartment making this ear defiling noise (I'm telling you it's enough to want to lock the kid in the closet). She runs screaming at the top her lungs (of course) and attaches herself to my leg. Her scream is even worse because it's like 12 octaves higher. So, they scream, I yell. That's pretty much been our interaction for the past week.

Doug's coming home tonight though, and by tomorrow at least they'll have a backyard to scream in. Hopefully we'll have nice neighbors. Doug's sis and her hubby are helping us and they're staying the weekend out there. Hopefully we can get some fun activities in Saturday night so they won't be spending their entire vacation time moving us. Anyway, that's my update. Screaming kids and boxes. Sounds like fun right?


Anonymous said...

I've already told you before, (numerous times) but I'm going to tell you again.....we are gonna miss you guys! But, Arizona isn't THAT far away.
Love you.

Mindy said...

Good luck with the move! We'll all have to have another get together when things get settled for you guys!

Carrie said...

I agree! And Mindy, thanks so much for offering your hubby to help us move!

mushbelly said...

hows the move going? I'm anxious to hear all about it.

Thora said...

Screaming is all I hear these days too. Good luck settling in love!