Thursday, June 09, 2005

Conversations with my three-year-old

Me: Jared, are you going to pick up these toys?

Jared: I'm not Jared, I'm Jedi master Yoda. You're Darth Vader, and you have to fight me and say "You don't know the power of the dark side."

Nice to know what he really thinks of me, eh?

Later in the day at a crowded greek restaraunt with my friend, Ursula: (she's German people, and my hairdresser)

Jared: Mommy, i have to go potty.
Me: Jared, you just went right before we got our food.
Jared: But I have to go POOOOP!!! (most of the people sitting at the nearby tables most definatly heard.)

Kids are the coolest things on the planet.