Sunday, April 27, 2008

ods and ends

Jared hit his first homerun EVER yesterday! I was jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs like a wild woman. All the moms totally understood my eratic behavior. Plus, I played guitar hero with my sister-in-law and nephew later in the day, and she gave me an entire chocolaty-ooey-gooey deliciously fattening fudge cake. She's evil, but chocolate makes me happy. Chocolate and homeruns! Weeeeee!

*I did edit this post. If it reads slightly different than it did yesterday, it's because I like this version better*


kelara said...

I'm trying to bring people over to the dark side with my store bought fudge cake. Might as well start with family!!

kelara said...

Oh, and Jared is awesome, but I'm sure you already know that!!!

Carrie said...

Oh, I am SO there on the dark side with store bought fudge cake! It could be anything fudge, or anything chocolate, or pretty much just anything food.

Stacey said...

Isn't Guitar Hero fun! Well, at least Rock Band is fun and I hear they are similar. I played Rock Band with my old college roomies a couple of weeks ago and we had a blast. I want to buy an Xbox just so I can get those games.