You know what bugs me? People who send me e-mails or in this case, bulletins on my myspace telling me I'm a bad Christian if I don't forward whatever stupid "angels on my shoulder" story some teenaged kid made up to circulate the internet. I don't mind reading touching stories with a good message to go along with it. I just can't stand the ones that say something like "forward this if you are a true follower of Christ. If you deny Him, you'll be dammed forever". It really bugs me that my "friends" are sending me junk like this. I mean, are you kidding me? This is what I call "scare-tactics christianity". I mean, come ON people, use your freaking BRAINS. Do you really think Christ cares if you forward a stupid e-mail or not? Oh, and here's the clincher. This girl who sent it to me.....her tagline is "When I think about you I touch myself". You know the kind of myspace pics some girls take of themselves kissing the air with their big ol' boobies hanging out? Yeah, she's that girl. But it's okay right? She forwarded the e-mail, so she's saved.