Sunday, May 04, 2008

big girls don't cry.

Today was a great day. The kids and I went to church, and they were actually pretty good during sacrament. No one farted, which ALWAYS happens at least once. They even got along, and except the few times Jade crawled under the pew to touch everyone's toes, they remained in their seats as I told them to.

So, fast forward to Relief Society (the women's class). The lesson was on mothers, and the importance of raising children, and how wonderful a calling it is....blah blah blah. (It was actually a very good lesson, and I'm only typing in the blahs because I don't want to explain the entire thing. Kay?) Then comes the closing song, "Love at Home". No big deal, right? WRONG. The opening line is "There is beauty all around, when there's love at home". The floodgates were not only opened, they were karate chopped down. I was sitting in the front row, and blubbering like a baby. OUT OF NOWHERE. Something must have really struck a chord with me, because I could not stop. I could not, for the life of me regain composure. I mean....I was hiccuping, sniffling up snot, borderline hyperventilating, and shaking. I was literally SOBBING. I was sooooo close to walking out, but on the rare chance that the backrow couldn't hear me above the piano and screeching vibratos, I decided to stay and take it like a man, because walking out hysterical would probably have drawn slightly more attention than sitting there hysterical. Right? Well that's what I thought too. So, I stayed, and tried threatening myself into behaving, and stopping this ridiculous tangent right this minute, "or ELSE!!".
Luckily I only had to sit through one verse of that torture, as the meeting was running a little over. Needless to say, I am so, so, soooooo embarrassed. My sister-in-law, bless her heart was sitting right next to me, and didn't say a thing. I'm an ugly crier, so I just tried looking straight ahead, hoping and praying no one would try to put their arm around me, or ask if I was okay. Thankfully, no one cared. Or, at least maybe I was just so hysterical they didn't want to associate with the "crazy woman". The RS president did give me a hug after the meeting was over and told me she was glad to see me. Well, that was nice. But, I don't think I can ever show my face there again. I'm. so. embarrassed.


kelara said...

I think that happens to all of us at one time or another. I don't think it's a bad thing at all. Some things affect people in different ways, and I think most people will let you deal with your feelings in your own way, and not make a big deal about it that draws attention to you.

P.S. You CAN show your face there again, and I hope you do. :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, you should not be embarrassed. I mean, if you're moved, you're moved, right? Let it out, girl. It's healthy to cry.


Lacey said...

Oh sweetie, I feel your pain. The last time I had "one of those" I was sitting in the back row of the overflow section during a baby blessing. I looked like a blubbering fool. lol As the RS chorister, I probably would've been sobbing right along with you!

Stacey said...

Oh Ruby, I was touched just reading your post so don't feel embarrassed. We have all been there, trust me. The last time I did that was when we were using the Spencer W. Kimball book and it was right after my family and I had been sealed. Well, there was a quote in the lesson about how happy the Savior and Heavenly Father must be when one of the lost sheep returns to the flock and gets their endowments and are sealed in the temple (paraphrasing of course). Anyway, I felt like that quote was just for me because it fit our situation exactly and I started blubbering and couldn't stop. Well, wouldn't you know that the RS President had to draw everyone's attention to me and point out how touched I was by the spirit in light of our recent sealing, etc. Yeah, talk about being embarrassed, I know she meant well and I wasn't upset at her or anything but jeez. Oh and we are all ugly criers honey. I've never seen anyone look good crying and if they do they must be good actresses cause that ain't real crying.

Lynsey said...

Oh Ruby!! Hugs!!! You can show your face! Take solace in the fact that at least it wasn't sacrament meeting. I blubbered my way through "families can be together forever". And THEN Phil had the gall to say "I see that the song touched you" Yay--NOT in the way you mean Jacknut! I'm so glad I found your little blog!!!

Carrie said...

Okay, it is SOOOO nice to know I'm not the only blubbering idiot in church! Thank goodness you all feel my pain!

Carrie said...

not that you guys are idiots.

Nana Scott XOXO said...

Oh Ruby- I think you're just great. Everyone has moments like that- Heaven knows I do.
Keep your chin up love,

Nana Scott XOXO said...
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