Tuesday, May 27, 2008

playstations and vomit.

In that order.

A few days ago Doug decided to bring home a playstation 3. Nevermind the fact that we bought a Wii in January, because I didn't WANT a playstation 3. His reasoning is to be able to play bue-ray disks on the PS3 (because aparently you can do that. Who knew?) So why didn't he just buy a blue-ray player? Because blue-ray can't play guitar hero or rock band, that's why. I forsee a pair of seven jeans and a sexy hot pair of boots in my future. Yes I do.

In other news, Jared barfed all over the car this weekend. On our way to see my grandparents, Jared said he wasn't feeling well, but I just chalked it up to a tummy ache, since he said he wasn't nauseaus. 5 minutes away from the house, I hear this coughing sound, and I look back to see water mixed with pieces of grapes flying out of his mouth all over the seats. And Jade's shoes, which totally grosses her out. My first instinct is to yell. So I did. But the more I yelled, the more he threw up. I felt sorry for him, I really did. I pulled over in an El Pollo Loco, and we went straight to the bathroom, where Jade proceeded to tell EVERYONE that Jared just threw up. People looked at us like we had the plague. I got him cleaned up, wiped the seats down as much as I could with bathroom papertowels, rolled the windows down, and drove the rest of the way to my grandparents. It took me about an hour to get it cleaned up. I did a pretty good job too, you can't even smell it. I rock.


kelara said...

Well, here are my thoughts. One of us needs to talk their hubby into getting Rock band. Sounds like you may be quicker at the convincing part. Then, I can just come play it at your house. But, I will NEVER give up trying..LOL.

Poor Jared. I can totally sympathize. We made the mistake of taking the kids over Angeles Crest Highway. Never again.

Anonymous said...

If you get those jeans you'd better get a big enough pair so your BFF can steal them from you.

Poor Jared. We had a veeeery similar thing happen with Phoebe. And you do rock for getting the smell out. Vomit and cat pee are two smells that never ever want to go away.

Marie B. said...

while my dh doesnt play video games I am a surf widow and he brings home plenty of surf board and other gear. I sometimes wish he would be into it, it would be a lot cheaper than new surf boards.

And the vomit! O. M. G!

Jenn said...

You meant the jeans for you or for your hubby to be tottin in a size seven chic? Just pondering if you were linking rock star with infidelity.

Oh and... "Pssst... don't yell at your kids when they vomit, it makes it worse..." Oh wait, you found that out... (I found it out about the same way)

Stacey said...

Well, I personally love to play Rock Band and Guitar Hero so I'm jealous of the PS3. Oh and you totally grossed me out with the description of the vomit, which means you're a good writer. But still, blech.

Carrie said...

Actually, I didn't mean SIZE 7 (although I wish). I meant SEVEN brand jeans. Big difference!