Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From cockroaches to scorpions

So, since moving here I've had to get used to a few things:1)Water conservation--seriously, you can't even wash your car without someone shaking their heads at you for all the wasted water trickling down the gutter. 2) No helmet laws for motorcyclists. I think this is just plain crazy--but whatever. I guess technically it really shouldn't have to be a law, but dang I think it's pretty stupid to ride without one. And 3) My fear of scorpions.

Now, since we've been here, which is just over a month I've seen two. The first one was a little baby scorpion in the dining room. I didn't freak out--I remained calm --okay relatively calm. I was more surprised than anything. I went to grab a broom to smack the little sucker and it shot fast as lightening (kind of like a cockroach) under a tv. I wasn't about to move it, so I went back to doing my daily routine. Since most of my routine consists of sitting in the computer chair nowadays, I completely lucked out where the scorpion is concerned. A couple of hours later, I saw something lying flat and definitely squished on my tile floor near my computer desk. Yep, the scorpion. My weight and computer chair did the dirty work for me. All I had to do was scrape him off. Done! No more scorpion. That night I had nightmares about little scorpions crawling into bed with me. I checked everyone's bedding every night for weeks afterward.

Fast forward to yesterday. Jade and I were in the garage, taking the trash can out to the curb for today's pickup. I hear Jade screaming and hopping up and down talking about a "big yellow disgusting scorpion". I walk over, thinking it's just some beetle or something because she always over-reacts to bugs. (where does she get that from?) Well, sure enough there was a big yellow scorpion crawling towards the car. You know what I did about it? Nothing. Not a dang thing. I was secretly glad it crawled under the tire so I literally could not get to it. I admit it--I'm too much of a wuss to kill it. The thing creeps me out man. And, it's still there. In the garage. Somewhere. I do NOT want to deal with it. Doug won't take care of it. I won't take care of it. I guess we just won't go in the garage ever again--unless we need to go somewhere. Crap.


Mindy said...

I hate those things! We have a pet scorpion living in our garage also. It stays at the side by the door, and never moves. I wish Paul would just kill it, but he wont. So its our pet.

Carrie said...

LOL Mindy. Maybe if I give it a name it won't be so bad. We'll have pet scorpions together then.

Miss Mindy, you need a blog.

Anonymous said...


Heather said...

Yikes! I hate any little creepy crawly things. I have dealt with them before and the only good thing I can say is that their sting is not deadly - it's like a wasp sting. Also if they think they're going to die they sting themselves in the head, killing themselves. How is that for a morbid, trivial fact?

Happily Ever After said...

I think I'll take the cockroaches. :)
Wow, I learned something from Heather's comment....yikes!