Thursday, June 19, 2008


My downstairs neighbors probably think I'm being stabbed or tortured at various times throughout the day because of my sporadic loud screams. I can't even Google and post a picture of what freaks me out because I'll probably scream all over again and wake up the kids. Or, at the very least get the willie-nillies so bad I'll need to comfort myself with another brownie. And, that just won't do. So what's so incredibly horrible it makes me drop whatever I'm holding onto my big toe and let out a blood-curdling scream that sends Jared rushing into the kitchen thinking I must have surely cut off or stabbed part of my body? (How's that for a run-on sentence? Take THAT grammarians!) Want to know?

A cockroach. Yep. Big ones. Huge ones. Red disgusting creepy ones. I'd say they're at least 2-3 inches long. Did you read that?? INCHES people!! Every couple of days now we (I) find one of those nasty creatures in our sink. They only appear in the summer and they crawl up the drains to get water. Last summer I called the apartment manager freaking out, and she assured me there was no infestation, that they are "water bugs", ( Well, no lady. They are cockroaches) and that when the weather is cooler they'll go away. Well, she was right. They did go away. And all was fine and dandy in the world again until last week. They're back. And, back with a vengeance. I think they're bigger this year. The thing is, I literally CANNOT handle them. I can't kill them, I can't catch them, I can't even watch them crawl. I just stand there and scream and jump up and down and freak the heck out. I can handle spiders. I can handle poop, throw-up, bees, wasps...all no problem. Get me within viewing distance of a cockroach, and all reasoning goes out the window. I instantly panic, I have heart palpitations, and I literally cannot breathe. It's a little dramatic, I know but I can't help it! Now, the question is what the heck am I going to do if one of those monsters shows up while Doug is at work? I've been really trying to figure this one out. I wish Jared was one of those kids who thinks bugs are really cool, but he's not. I'm sure my reaction to them doesn't help the situation either. He's not necessarily AFRAID of them, he just doesn't really know how to handle them. They're fast suckers, and HUGE (3 inches, remember?). So far we've been able to just wash them back down the drain again. I can't bring myself to run the disposal on one. That's just....yuck....and eeeewwww I can't even discuss that right now. I wish there was a way of catching them and then flushing them down the toilet. Doug has done this, only I can't stand to watch. He needs to teach Jared how to trap it. I think I'll make that Jared's goal this summer, and I'll give him a nice reward to make it worth his while.

*As I'm typing this "Starship Troopers" is on TV in the background. Remember that movie? That's the one with the giant bugs with disgusting green guts that squirt everywhere. How's that for irony? Blech.


Stacey said...

Ewwww, I'm the same way but with spiders. We don't seem to have cockroaches here, at least not in the area we live. Another reason to move to AZ!! Oh and I literally gagged when you talked about turning on the garbage disposal on one of those suckers. Blech, I just gagged again. Gross.

Carrie said...

I know. So incredibly GROSS!!!

Lyns said...

ICK!! Phil says that when you aren't using the sink to take your liquid dish soap and make a ring around the drain--he SWEARS that will keep them away!

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

Oh I so feel your pain. I lived in Brazil and let me tell you, the cockroaches there are the size of small rodents! Ewwwww!

And I've been meaning to tell you that ever since you asked for a button for our blog, a lot of others requested it too. I haven't forgot, but we're in the process of making some changes, so we wanted to wait till they are all finished to do the buttons so we don't have to change them!

Anonymous said...

Gross! One time I was sleeping and I woke up to a cockroach in my ear! I hate cockroaches too.

Anonymous said...

Blarg. I totally have the heebie jeebies now. Uck. Reminds me of that 2 bedroom apartment in Oceanside -- it was crawling with baby cockroaches. You'd think tiny baby ones would be easy to kill, but those suckers are FAST.

Nurse Heidi said...

Oooooooooooh nasty. I'm not generally squeamish about spiders, but cockroaches would send me over the edge. Especially really really big ones.

mushbelly said...
