Sunday, February 20, 2005

My kid is the spawn of Satan

Kay, not really. But for Christ's sake the boy is driving me NUTS! Why is it this kid's mission in life to send me to an early grave? Huh? Tell me. He's going to be 3 in a week and I don't know what in the world has gotten into the litt:le booger lately. He talks back, he doesn't listen, he does everything opposite of what I say, and for crying out loud, I'm ready to sell him to the highest bidder. Anyone want a good-looking smart potty-trained 3 year old? (He's really smart, too smart for his own good I tell ya) Any takers?

Okay, in all seriousness, I DO love Jared TO DEATH. But why oh why does he insist on pushing my buttons to no end? For instance, this is how bedtime goes:
me: Jared it's time to brush your teeth
Jared: I don't want to brush my teeth
me: I know honey, but you have to brush them or they will fall out, and you won't be able to eat anything.
me: shhhhhhhh, Jade is sleeping you have to be quiet, now brush your teeth.
Jared: (on purpose, so Jade will most defiantly wake up) NOOOOOOOO!

Okay, this kind of stuff happens ALL DAY. Everything is a constant struggle. He even shuts his eyes and covers his ears when he's in trouble so he doesn't have to listen. And folks, when he does THAT, I loose it. Nice mommy is gone. Now comes the yelling. No, I am not proud of it, in fact I hate yelling at him, especially when I'm holding Jade. I shouldn't yell at him like that, I know, bad mommy. I admit I'm a spanker too. But seriously folks, when I'm in that situation, I don't know what to freaking do. He makes my blood boil when he purposefully shuts me out. Arghhhhhh! HOPEFULLY things will get better. He didn't used to be like this. He used to be a sweet, loving little boy who listened to his mommy and didn't try to make her life a living hell.


Carrie said...

HA HAAA HAAAAAAAA HEEEEE HAAAAA!! Bryan, that was a good one! You'd send him back so fast it'd make your head spin. Thanks for the offer though.

Daph said...

No, really, send him down here and I will put him through my BOOT CAMP and he will be a changed boy. I will put his ass to WORK, lmao!

SuperP. said...

Oee.. same thing.. and I yell and I spank. Not too hard, but definitely too loud. It's hard being a parent. If I had known, I probably wouldn't have done it.. but I am glad I didn't know.. if that makes any sense.