Tuesday, March 15, 2005


She did it!!!!! She's been on the verge for a few days now, and last night she finally got her big butt over!! She wanted her pacifier, so she was determined to do anything at that point. I love watching my children reach milestones. It's so satisfying to watch them grow and develop into actual people with characteristics and personalities. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. She just reached 4 months two days ago and it seems like I was just pregnant yesterday. *sigh*


Daph said...

Gawd, can you believe it?? Phoebe can pull up into a standing position now, and it FREAKS me out. Where does the time go, I ask you!?

SuperP. said...

YAAAAY! You posted AND she rolled over! That is awesome.

About the posting.. It's like March 20, already! ;) ??