Friday, May 06, 2005

a little tidbid about mom

In honor of Mother's Day, I've decided to write a post about my own mother. This was inspired by Daphne's post about Phoebe.

My mother has the voice of an angel when she sings. She's a classical pianist, and she plays the guitar. Before I was born, she and my father used to sing Janis Joplin songs around the campfire at the beach.

When I was younger, she taught me how to sew, even though I had no patience for it. I often spent more time ripping seams out then actually sewing. I gave that up out of frustration. When I was seven, I wanted to play piano as beautifully as she did. I spent many hours dancing like a ballerina to Chopin or Mozart that was played in the evenings. She had quite a knack for Chopin, it was her favorite, and probably still is.

I took piano lessons in hopes of one day being able to play as beautifully as her. I tried to quit several times, once again out of frustration. She wouldn't let me quit until I was 18, and of course I did. But, at that time, I was able to teach others, so it worked out well.

She taught me high morals and standards, and to be kind to others. She's one of the kindest people I know. Every night before I went to bed, she kissed me and told me she loved me. She's not judgmental, not proud, or boastful, or jealous. She's genuine, loving, giving, thoughtful, and has integrity beyond anyone I have ever met. She works with kids every day after school teaching them to read. She gardens, she cooks, she scrapbooks, and she reads her scriptures every day. She plans activities and lessons for the church youth group every week. She is the chorister for the church congregation, and leads them in song every Sunday. She sings in the choir as one of the lead sopranos.

She loves her children, even though we didn't grow up and follow the path she wanted us to in life. She has never held it against us, or condemned us, or told us we are bad children for falling away from the church. She loves her grandchildren, and they love her. She reads to Jared every visit. She runs with him outside with the dogs, she helps him pick fruit off her trees, and eat it without washing it first. She is the epitome of a good mother, and I hope I treat my kids with as much respect as she treats me. I love her dearly, and I realize how lucky I am to have her. The other week, she gave me the biggest compliment of my life. She said I'm the best mom she knows. Well, she's the best I know, and I'm glad she's mine.