Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Mkay. I know I already blogged today, but can I please just vent a little? Please? Kay thanks.

Soooo, have I told you all how much I hate stupid people? HATE them. I'm not talking about stupid as in the sense of "I didn't finish High School", or "I have an IQ of 3", I'm talking more about selfish, STUPID, not thinking-about-anyone-but-my-stupid-ugly-self people. Why is it I have a run-in with them at least.....ooohhh once a month?? Here's what really gets me: THEY ARE ALLOWED TO DRIVE. Yep, stupid people behind a potentially deadly weapon. That's great. And, they're driving all over my town. They're everywhere and I can't escape them. One already ruined my car and is claiming injury. Another almost collided with me today, and the only reason he didn't is because I inched out like a scared little turtle before I slammed on my brakes as he came barreling down a residential street right after SCHOOL LET OUT!! Idiot. And then, THEN he has the nerve to stare me down, call me a really mean name, and flip me off. And, let me just tell you....this happens all. the. time. And it's not like I'm a bad driver. Really, I'm not. I'm just surrounded by the most selfish, arrogant, friggin retarded mindless twits you can imagine.

Vent over.


Lacey said...

Piss on 'em.

kelara said...

Right on the money. I think it's getting worse too.

Jenn said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry. When I lived in Modesto, I was hit FOUR TIMES in a matter of 17 months, by idiots. I've never been in an accident before or since, either. It was just something about that place. So, I feel your pain. I've lived in one of those cities too!

Natelli Johnston said...

I am laughing, not because I think it is funny that you almost had a run in with a stupid driver, I am laughing because your post is funny, you are a good writer, I was pissed off too while reading your post. I found you through musnbelly's blog.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you need to get a gun turret for your car, and then mow down some peeps.