Saturday, June 07, 2008

I guess that's why the call it the blues.

I'm surprised that I woke up feeling this way today. Yesterday was a really good day. I had lunch with my friend Ursula at Olive Garden and gorged myself on gnocchi in cheese sauce. Then I came home, sat my happy ass on the couch and read The Goblet of Fire. I ended up falling asleep, and had a nice cat nap. After Doug came home, I headed over to Ursula's house for a chick flick "27 dresses" which was really cute. I came home, went to bed, and woke up this morning in the crappiest mood. I do NOT want to deal with the kids today,and I'm feeling overwhelmingly inadequate about everything. I HATE feeling like this. I kind of think it's stemming from reading other blogs to tell you the truth. I really don't know what it is about me, that I have to compare myself to EVERYONE. I think I just read these blogs and see their beautiful homes, read about their happy little lives, their adoring husbands, and I automatically assume that their lives are perfect. I know they aren't. No one's is.BUT, sometimes I feel like my life is SO FAR from the bliss I read in other blogs. I see wonderful hard-working moms, who know HOW to deal with their children, who are understanding, patient, and know just how to handle situations. Admittedly, I have a huge thorn in my side, and his name is Jared, my 6-year-old. I don't talk about this much, because when I think about it I feel like a failure at the only calling I have in life. I honestly think there is something wrong with him. It's almost like he lacks any emotion but anger. When he gets excited or happy, I can see him physically try to stifle it. I don't know why. He is becoming withdrawn, he will NOT talk to people he doesn't know very well and yes it goes beyond shyness. I give him hugs and tell him I love him every day. He refuses to say it back. All of his life he's been affectionate with me, and within the past few months it's all of a sudden not cool to be close to me anymore. I'm having such a hard time dealing with this. I don't know what to do. His dad doesn't give him any affection at all, and I don't want Jared thinking that is okay. What do you do when the other parent has a completely different parenting style? I know I get frustrated with him, and lash out to try and assert my authority, because honestly nothing phases Jared. Then I end up feeling guilty, and crappy, and like a horrible person.

And then there's the cleaning issue. I just CAN'T keep this house clean. I can't seem to keep up with the laundry, and I just feel like a really bad housewife. I know Doug feels the same way.

All the while I've been really wanting and seriously considering Nursing School in a few years. But, the more I think about it, the more I question it. Am I really smart enough to handle all that school? Do I have it in me to become a nurse, and take someones life into my hands? Do I really have what it takes? I don't know!!

Ugh. Everything sucks today. Even my coffee didn't taste the same. This post turned into something way too long, and I exposed way too much. I should stop here. At least one thing is true, this day can only get better.


Marie B. said...

Ruby, you know my life isnt perfect. What you see on blogs is a tiny anecdote from part of the day. I dont blog about the night I spanked Belen 14 times to stay in her bed. And after all that spanking I gave up and let her sleep in our bed.
I think you are so beautiful and as sweet as they come. I wish that we could see our own value during times like these.
Love ya!

Carrie said...

Thanks Marie. I appreciate that. And, I do know that nobody's life is perfect. Sometimes I forget that though, and just focus on what I don't have rather than what I DO. It's just one of those negative days.

When Jade was Belen's age, I went through the same thing trying to get her to sleep in her bed. Those days were so hard!! But, eventually she slept the entire night through in her own bed. We got her a bunk bed. That helped tremendously. She loved to get cozy in her little mermaid bunk bed. Actually I think that's what did it.

Lacey said...

I know how you feel!! Sometimes I wish I could be a fly on the wall in people's homes so I could know what life was REALLY like for them. You're right though. NO ONE is perfect. Everyone has their family secrets. I could give you some doozies.

I've recently been "evaluating" my own life and saying to myself, "WTH?" I see people that I went to school with that have great careers and keep up with the latest styles and I get a bit envious. But, I remind myself that they don't have what I have, and they could very easily be envious of me. The grass is always greener...

Carrie said...

So true Lacey!

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

Hey Ruby, just doing a little blog stalking ;) I like your blog, I love how honest you are. I think you say things that every other Mother thinks and feels at some point. You're so totally normal!

I'll email you that button when I turn on my other computer cuz it's on there. Good to "see" you :)


Lyns said...

Oh my Carrie!!! I'm so sorry!! I'm sending HUGS to you! My life is FAR from perfect--I'm right with you on the laundry and house work issues. And you are a good mom!! I promise!!! I love you! Keep your chin up!!

Thora said...


Heaven knows you don't think MY life is perfect. The thought is completely laughable!

Honey, just because they don't have the bones sticking out of the cracks doesn't mean they don't have large quantities of skeletons in their closets.

I hope today was better love.

Bethany said...

Can I chime in on life not being perfect??? Some days I just want to scream and pull my hair out!!!


Kate said...

We seem to read the same blogs so I came over here to visit you. :) I hope today was a better day for you. My life sucks sometimes but I always can find a reason to laugh. Blogging is great therapy, don't you think? Anyways, hi, I'm Kate. Nice to meet your blog.

Stacey said...

Ahh Ruby, I'm so sorry. Please know that what you see is the pretty facade that EVERYONE puts up. Wanna know something? I'm envious of you because you can be so honest and put it all out there. I think it is great that you can post what all of us are thinking and feeling but don't have the guts to write or say. I just posted about potty training Lexi and it's all light hearted and fun but I didn't write about how many times we've started pting and ended up stopping because the frustration was too much for me. That's why she's barely being trained at 3 1/2 years old. And I didn't write about how I just lost my cool with CJ for putting his toys in the trash can and then running from me. We all have lives just like yours just different shades of color. The more I get to know you the more I respect you and feel a growing friendship. Thanks for being so honest, it's refreshing.

kelara said...

When you start to feel like that, head over to my house. :)

Nurse Heidi said...

Ruby, I finally found you! I just wanted to add my .02 about crappy parenting days. They happen a lot around my house. Or else things start out nice and friendly and we're going along until about dinner time when everyone has a melt down and all the sudden the nice day disappears and crabby mom comes bounding out of the shadows. I hate it. My 4 1/2 year old DD has multiple weeping and wailing melt downs per day. She also will be mean to the baby with no provocation. I hate it. I don't know how to fix it. I missed out on the line for perfect parenting skills.

Anyway, I just thought I'd also add some encouragement for nursing school. I've mentored a heck of a lot of student nurses. I've been actually kind of amazed at some of the people who have managed to finish. From what I know of you on BBC and from perusing your blog for a minute, you are absolutely more than capable. Believe in yourself! There are lovely niches in nursing to suit every personality and ability level. Email me some time when you're ready to dive in - hvawdrey at gmail dot com.