Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Two things.

First, Jared took this pic of me right after I cleaned the bathrooms. I had just sat down, I was tired, sweaty, gross, and really didn't feel like smiling. So I forced my eyes open and made this goofy grin. Jared thinks it's a pretty good pic, so I'll share.

In other completely unrelated news, something got under my skin today. Jared's been in t-ball since February, and although the season is over, the coaches, kids, and parents all became pretty close. We kind of became like extended family--in a way. So, two of the coaches and a handful of kids meet at the park every Wednesday to play ball together. It's kinda like a play-date for baseball. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, Jared tends to keep to himself and I've had a pretty difficult time getting him to come out of his shell. He doesn't make friends easily and still doesn't socialize much with the other boys at practice, but he has fun and tries hard so I'm not making a big deal about it. Well, after practice today the parents grouped together to talk about random crap as usual and the boys played 3-way catch in the field. I could vaguely hear one of the other boys telling Jared that everyone else on the team is his friend, but Jared's definitely NOT. Now, I KNOW this is stupid, and almost completely unwarranted, but I got a little bugged, and I actually wanted to cry. I think it stems from knowing Jared's introverted nature, and one of my biggest fears is him not making friends and ending up being a social recluse. I kept my ears peeled, and couldn't really hear anything else. After practice I asked him about it and he VERY casually said "well I don't really care. It's not a big deal". I know he means it too. I know he doesn't care if people aren't friends with him. He generally doesn't care what anybody thinks period. So....why do I care so much? And, why did this sting so bad? I've had a few hours to get over it. And, I'm over it...I just hope this isn't foreshadowing what'll happen in school a few years down the road.


Marie B. said...

As parents we hope our kids are accepted by their peers and not seen as outcast. Because they are so much of you and a part of you that seeing that kind of rejections can feel like an extended slap in the face to you as well. Sometimes I worry about Belen. I know we will be moving a lot and I worry that she wont fit in, but I also worry that she will and conform. So either way I will worry. But I think I would want her to be odd and a non conformist like her parents.

Lacey said...

That's terrible. Marie said it prefectly and I have nothing to add, other than I'm sorry! I would've wanted to kick some t-ball booty.

Carrie said...

Yeah. You're right Marie. And, I know it's not that big of a deal, I mean kids are kids. And, what the boy said wasn't really MEAN, it was just rude. I was so much more bothered by it than Jared. If any kid said that to me when I was 6 it would have broken my heart. I'm really glad he has such tough skin.

Lyns said...

Marie is a wise person!

And Ruby--you are such a good blogger!!! Holy Hannah! I always know there is something to read every time I come here!

Stacey said...

Okay first of all, you are so cute! Second, I would've been upset too. It is good though that he doesn't seem bothered by it. I think it would hurt me a lot more as a parent if my child were upset by it. He may just be the type that will have a few really close friends rather than a ton of casual friends. And honestly isn't that better?

Carrie said...

Yeah Stacey, I do think he'll be that type of guy with a few really close friends. He's just not a "people person" at all.

Jenni said...

Cute picture :) Despite having just cleaned the bathroom.