Monday, June 16, 2008

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the jam"

For the past week, this is how Jade begins EVERY bedtime prayer. I had no idea canning a bunch of sugared chopped cherries (with pectin, lemon juice, and lemon peel) would have such a lasting effect on my 3-year-old.
Here are some pics of the process. I had Doug's sister Cammie come help me, and she did a great job. I ended up processing them for a little over 15 minutes, even through the recipe said to do it for only 5. This is because I freaked out when after 5 minutes I noticed the lids weren't vacuum sealed. So, I put them back in the water bath and called my mom....who wasn't HOME!! So, I did a little research online and discovered they don't actually pop down until the cooling process. So, after 15 minutes, I pulled them out and now they are all beautifully sealed. All 9 of them. What in the world am I going to to do with NINE jars? At least they're small. They're cute too!


Anonymous said... me me! I'll take one! :)

Marie B. said...

I agree! Homemade jams make really good presents.

Lyns said...

I heart homemade jam!!! Look at your domesticity (I should get a jar just for using that word!! LOL!)

Anonymous said...

How cute! When did Jade get so dang big, anyway? If you don't send me some of that delicious jam, I'll die unfulfilled, woman. Give it.

Stacey said...

Ha so cute!! We could learn a lot from kids, like being grateful for the simple things that make life a little better. Like yummy jam, mmmm.