Monday, June 16, 2008


are there so many crazy Mormons? Do the Catholics have their crazies? The Jews? How about the Protestants? I swear, every ward I have ever belonged to has a handful of people who are a few fries short of a happy meal.

I went to church yesterday (and incidentally "Love at Home" was the closing hymn during sacrament meeting, and this time I held it together. Yay for progress!). As I walked into RS, a lady at the door was saying something like "we need opening and closing". I assumed she meant prayer, but I didn't think she was directing it at me. So, I took a program from her and thanked her. Before I walked away, she repeated herself with a very firm and steady glare on me. Okay, now...the woman was just plain scary. I mean-- she wasn't someone I'd like to meet in a dark alley. AT ALL. She had these huge protruding eyes which were completely focused on ME. I looked around and told her as nicely as I could that I wasn't comfortable giving prayer in public just yet. She certainly didn't like that answer, as she was now almost yelling "WE NEED PEOPLE TO GIVE PRAYERS"! The RS president came alongside her, put her arm around her and asked her to lower her voice. She told her not to worry, and that someone will end up saying prayer, and to please sit down.

So, there's that. THEN, after I almost pee myself from fright, I sit next to a sweet-looking old lady whom I've seen before, and surely she must be sane right? Wrong. 5 minutes into the lesson she starts telling me how her mom beat her over the head when she was 10, and finally when she hit her mother back, the abuse never happened again. Then, she goes on to tell me all about how she was born in Israel, moved to England when she was a few months old, learned to speak "British" (she made it a point to say British, not English), and that Prince Charles is her cousin. The woman is literally telling me her entire life story. Needless to say, I got a little more than I bargained for at church on Sunday. So, between the scary yelling bug-eyed woman, the crazy old Israeli-British speaking loon, and my mother-in-law, I'd say the RS president really has her work cut out for her.


Anonymous said...


Nana Scott XOXO said...

ACK! LOL You're right though, there are crazie's everywhere you go! LOL

Jenni said...

LOL! Interesting day at church, huh?

Lyns said...

Niiiiiiiiice!! Hey at least you have cheap entertainment!! Gots to love the crazies!!!

Anonymous said...

Next time that happens, stand up in the front and pray for her mental health. Pray for the sick and afflicted that are in the room. Pray that this woman may do something about her bug eyes. I bet she would never bother you again to say the prayer.

Lyns said...

OMG Marie--I about peed my pants!!

Stacey said...

Lol, aww Ruby bless you for continuing to go to church amidst all the madness. I'm sure Heavenly Father has special blessings in store for all us sane people putting up with the cuckoo clan members.