Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mother's Day Shmothers Day

I finally got around to my mother-in-law's Mother's Day gift. We all took pictures of our kids in specific clothing in "outdoorsy places". I'm inherently lazy, so I stepped outside my front door and did them under a tree in our complex. I posted my three favorite. We are grouping pics of the grandkids together and putting them in a collage-style frame. The thing is....and I do feel *slightly* guilty about admitting this to you all, is that I'm really not motivated to do ANYTHING very special for my mother-in-law. She's sweet, she'll help you when she can, and she really has a good heart. But the woman is the most NEGATIVE person I have ever met in my ENTIRE life. She can turn anything, and I do mean ANYTHING into some sort of negative experience. Last year everyone bought her individual gifts for Mother's Day, and she was disappointed no one cooked her dinner. Oh, plus there's the fact that she pretty much ruins every holiday by getting huffy with someone right before dinner and ends up in her room the rest of the night. She tends to be a no-call no-show at her own grandchildren's birthday parties, and I'm getting into something I have no time to write about, as there is literally an entire smorgasbord of issues with her. Plus, it's just not very nice to talk about your mother-in-law over the Internet. Bad karma and all that. Anyway, I suppose that's my real reason this gift is so late. I just don't really give a crap about pleasing her at this point. The End.


Marie B. said...

I think the last 3 sentences were the best. I love the The End. lol. I have issues with MIL too. I would love to love her but it is impossible at this point. We cut out losses and Phil and I are happy without her involved in our lives. Belen has no idea who she is.

Anonymous said...

Very Cute! I'm still the winner of the biggest flake award. don't worry.

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have added.....we all haven't taken our pictures yet. :(